Strategic Communication of the Organization in Times of Crisis

  • Delia DUMINICĂ, Dr University of Pitesti, Romania
Keywords: communication, strategy, organization


The evolution of the modern organization is currently marked by the amplification of interdependencies with the environment in which it operates; the expression of this evolution is the accentuation of the open character of the organization conceived as a system, reflected both on the level of "inputs" - production factors and information - and on that of "outputs" - material goods, information, and services - through which it integrates into the environment national and international environment and which knows a much-increased variety and intensity compared to the previous period. Any change in the environment must be known and mastered, in order to ensure self-regulation through legal, conflictual, and operational sources. Strategic communication takes two basic forms: the development of communication relationships with the external environment and forecasting the evolution and changes that can occur outside the organization and which can affect their activity. The organization tries to survive in the external, necessarily competitive environment, by building profitable relationships with its key actors: local authorities, directors of other organizations, in general people who are considered to be influential. At the time of the initiation of these communication networks, they are not really indispensable. However, they are designed with the idea that they can prove useful in case of a crisis or other unexpected event.
