La musique, paramètre essentiel de la communication politique

Music, an essential parameter in political communication

  • Samuel MAYOL Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord, France
Keywords: music, politics, political marketing


This article is the first to attempt to draw a parallel between the use of music in advertising and the use of music in political communication.

It seemed interesting to us to see if there were any relationships between the music chosen by creatives in the campaign clips of candidates for an election and:

  • On the one hand, the themes addressed in the political clips
  • On the other hand, the political “colours” of political personalities

We thus observed 116 music campaign clips to verify a possible association between the music and the themes addressed as well as the political colors of the candidates.

We observed all the “official” campaign clips of all the candidates in the French presidential elections since 1969, having however eliminated those who did not use music in their clips.
