Contributions to the History of the Romanian Monetary Lexicon: Names of Turkish Coins That Circulated in the Lower Danube Area. II. The Yirmilik

  • Costin CROITORU, Dr Carol I Museum of Braila, Romania
Keywords: coins, Yrmilik, Turkish


The history of the Romanian lexicon is complex, especially because the vocabulary has been permanently enriched with borrowings from the languages ​​of the different peoples and civilisations with which it came into contact. These borrowings are the result of the historical circumstances and the geographical context in which the Romanian language evolved. Most of the neighbouring idioms, including Turkish, contributed to the enrichment of the Romanian monetary lexicon. It should be emphasised that the names of coins of Turkish origin were known to the inhabitants of both Romanian principalities but given the geographical proximity and direct commercial relations, especially to those from Wallachia and Moldova. However, in order not to abuse the reader's patience and the editorial space made available, and because the attestations of coins of Turkish origin that circulated in our reference space are relatively abundant, we will focus on only one of them in the following, as a stage of our approach.
