Book Review: Alexandra-Monica TOMA, Forme şi structuri literare în comunicarea mediată de calculator: interferenţe între virtual, ficţional şi real
Alexandra-Monica Toma has been a university lecturer at the Cross-border Faculty of the “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galați since 2019. Having pursued her studies in philology at the same university, she successfully defended her doctoral thesis in 2011. Actively engaged in academic pursuits, she is affiliated with the “Limba noastră” Research Center. Her research interests primarily revolve around computer-mediated communication, pragmatics within the digital environment, and the pedagogy of teaching Romanian as a foreign language.
The volume FORME ŞI STRUCTURI LITERARE ÎN COMUNICAREA MEDIATĂ DE CALCULATOR: INTERFERENŢE ÎNTRE VIRTUAL, FICŢIONAL ŞI REAL (LITERARY FORMS AND STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION: INTERFERENCES BETWEEN VIRTUAL, FICTIONAL, AND REAL), Galati University Press, 2020, is based on the author’s doctoral thesis with the same title. The work comprises four chapters: (1) Virtual Reality and its Literary Perceptions, (2) The Email and the Revitalization of the Epistolary Style, (3) The Narrativity of Computer Games, and (4) Blogs as an Extension of the Traditional Diary.

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