On the exploitation of socio-cultural stereotypes in French classes
Précis sur l’exploitation des stéréotypes socioculturels en cours de français
At a first glance, our communication takes a subjective look, certainly, and not exhaustive on the expressions, the perceptions and the manifestations of the two socio-cultural stereotypes omnipresent in the definition of personal and collective identity and of major importance in intercultural communication: man vs woman (as a gender identity) and love-glamor (as an emotional relationship that marks any human relationship). At the second glance, after many theoretical remarks on these current notions, openly promoted, hackneyed at the same time, to which are added those of otherness, ethnocentrism, pedagogy of the meeting, vision of the world through the language-culture, we propose so much for French teachers as for trainers in intercultural communication exercises with a double aim: from the reflection on "how to go towards the Other", to go back and take a step back to rethink, resize its own standards, values , beliefs, behaviors.

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